Tank Operations Software Simplifies The Complex Bulk Liquid Logistics Business.
Date: 10-10-2023
- Bulk Liquid Logistics is one of the major businesses in container shipping & logistics. This business opens up to a lot of opportunities to ship any type of liquid like chemical (hazardous & non-hazardous) and food-grade to major trade lanes of the world.
- More that it creates opportunities, the more it is complicated as well, without the use of a full-fledged ISO Tank operations software it may create misunderstandings and finger-pointing when a problem arises as there are equal responsibilities shared between the shippers, receivers, and carriers.
- Shippers depend on carriers and receivers to transport and unload their goods safely, while maintaining product quality & nature. For the carriers to handle and transport the goods safely shipper has to know the product characteristics and provide the carrier with accurate MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet).
- Carrier has to prepare the Transport of the goods based on MSDS shared by the shipper and allocate an appropriate Tank container based on the type of product that is being transported like chemical or food grade. When allocating a Tank container, the carrier has to know the previous history of goods transported to validate whether the assigned Tank container is suitable to transport the particular product.
- The receiver is responsible for verifying the product received before unloading and provide a safe and clean environment for unloading and follow safety measures as indicated in the MSDS sheet.
- To successfully follow the above processes, a Bulk liquid logistics service provider needs to use an efficient ISO Tank Operations Management System that will clearly define the roles and responsibilities of the relevant stakeholders in the business and eliminate the risk of any problem that arises due to miscommunication or non-availability of data.
- ZEALIT - Tank operations management module supports bulk liquid operators to maintain their ISO Tank inventory efficiently by alerting the users on the ISO Tank Tests that are due.
- ISO Tank certificates management will auto alert the users and manage the record of certification details of all the Tank containers.
- The ISO Tank software also enables the user to check the history of all previous cargo before allocating the Tank container to a particular booking.
- MSDS sheet will be attached to a particular booking before the release of a Tank container
- The Tank Operations Software helps Bulk liquid carriers efficiently manage all their trade lanes and agency network
- The carrier will also get complete visibility of all their Tank container spread across the globe
- Tank operations software automates the detention & demurrage calculation and provides connectivity to any third party systems via EDI or API
- Carriers can also manage the leasing contracts of tank containers and on hiring & off hiring procedure with the help of our Tank operations management module
- The Finance & Accounting module of ZEALIT supports the carriers to handle their complete accounting process as the software supports multi-currency, manage two different financial periods, user-configurable Tax engine
- Choosing the right software with all the above-ready features is very important to focus on core business. Contact sales@aggrandizeventure.com for the demo to showcase the capabilities of ZEALIT - Tank Operations Management software